Fully customizable marina management billing system for
Marinas & Ports
Starting at:

- Complete marina management billing system
- Online Bill Pay
- Exclusive Marina Payment processing platform
- Cloud-sync wireless apps
- Advanced online reservations
- Marina maintenance tracker
Powerful, easy-to-use and affordable
Key Benefits and Features
Set-up is Customized
We realize no two marinas are alike so, over the years, we’ve created customized set-up procedures. First, we complete a pre-configuration and install some general parameters, such as rates, recurring charges, taxes, G/L labels and late fees. We will design a harbor graphic layout of the marina and set up the necessary data files to provide a view of the dock and slip locations as well as all associated properties, such as campground, cabins, dry storage, etc. with our interactive harbor graphics screen. In addition, TMP offers multiple mobile device applications, such as Dock Walk and Meter Reading that wirelessly sync remotely from your cell phone or tablet device to your main TMP software.
Installation Easily Conducted In-House
Depending on staff time, computer skills and bookkeeping experience, all that is typically needed is available in our detailed manual and installation instructions. Your in-house project manager follows the outlined steps to easily reconcile the old system with your new TMP system. After installation, typically you’ll simply need to enter your tenant data to get up and running. This makes TMP one of the most comprehensive marina management software programs in the marine industry.
Reporting for Every Need
It’s easy to generate key financial, accounting, and marina operations reports. From the main tenant/guest screens, generate reports associated with a specific tenant. From a menu option, generate journal reports, account receivable reports, occupancy/vacancy inventory reports and more. Capabilities beyond such standard reports are provided as well. Take command and let TMP totally control your marina operation and improve your staff’s overall efficiency.
Graphical Marina Interface
Just like a picture tells a thousand words, TMP’s harbor graphic easily enables marinas to manages thousands of slips. Click on a slip and view that slips history of occupants. TMP can be configured with up to eight separate graphic screens which can be used to manage slips, moorings, RV parks, building assets, dry storage and more. Each graphic includes standard and customizable color-coding schemes so operators can quickly view occupancy, search for availability, and allocate reservations – either by slip or linear foot.
Date View
Change the Date View range to the requested reservation date to show you the vacant slips. The (user defined) colors change automatically to reflect occupancy/vacancy. Click on a vacant slip and enter the guest’s information. It is that simple.
Billing & Accounting
The Marina Program is a full-featured Accounts Receivable and Data Management application. You can easily assign recurring charges to a tenant, charge guests, all transactions are posted to the proper accounts. You close your books monthly. The Marina Program provides an export facility to export summarized period data to text files, and QuickBooks, however QuickBooks is not required as TMP is a complete billing system.
The Marina Program prints out statements or interim statements (and invoices) on request. All monthly statements show any balance forward, aged balances, and transactions for the month with descriptive line-item descriptions to eliminate billing disputes. Statements can include a message defined by the Marina, insurance expiration notices if the boat’s insurance is going to expire within the next month. Late notices if payment of the statement is past due. Statements can be on preprinted forms or blank paper, or Post Cards. And all are easily emailed from TMP.
Accounting Reports
The Marina Program has accumulated just about every accounting related report imaginable since its inception. Each new version carries reports forward. In addition to general Journal reports. TMP includes Accounts Receivable reports such as the Aged Receivable Report, and Delinquency Report, various A/R list formats for Late Notices. If a specific reporting need cannot be found in TMP’s standard reports capabilities are provided so that external programs such as report writers can access the underlining TMP data or generate custom reports through Excel.
Multiple Location Support
From small private owner/operators to large multi-site ports, increasingly marina operators are banding together into groups or expanding their operations to multiple facilities. TMP provides multiple levels of multi-site control enabling all information to be shared, while still allowing per-marina management for keeping all information separate. TMP now offers the most comprehensive payment processing platform through Marina Payments. This advanced payment option is not available through competing marina management software programs, and it can save your marina thousands of dollars per month over traditional credit card processing.
Advanced Communication
Now stay in contact with your tenants via text messaging (SMS & MMS) for “real-time” communication. Add advanced email contact to your marketing package by integrating your database with TMP, all through the convenience of your computer cell phone or tablet.
NSS can assist you with data conversion from your current software system if needed. However, please remember that our support and training doesn’t start or end with installation: NSS offers day-to-day operations and executive level consulting. Affordable software maintenance and support programs are available.
Tenant and Guest Management
The Tenant and Guest windows are the main windows into all customer interactions. There is no need to bounce from screen to screen. From one central window marina operators have access to all customer account information including slip assignment, reservation history, recurring charges, billing activities, vessel codes, insurance information, wait list information, and meter utility usage. In addition, Nautical Software Solution understands that one customer may have multiple vessels or slip assignments. These cases are easily handled within The Marina Program.
Tenant and Guest History
History detail relating to a tenant or guest is available by clicking the history button. The history function shows history for the last few months or the last year. TMP can easily setup sub accounts with billing charged to the master tenant.
Lists and Reports
The Marina Program makes it easy to quickly generate account information relating to tenants or guest’s data can be generated for moorage contracts, phone directories, wait lists, balances due, occupancy reports. If a specific reporting need cannot be found in TMP’s standard reports, capabilities are provided so that external programs such as report writer can access TMP data. An optional marketing package is available that allows you to build your own contracts and documents that can be emailed in bulk or sent one at a time.
Point of Sale
TMP provides the marina operator with all the tools needed to run the Marina ships store including categorized items, cash management, barcode integration, and multiple payment methods. All transactions are tied into tenant and guest records. Customers can charge items to their account, which show up on their statement at the end of the month, or they can pay at the time of purchase. The base POS system is designed to work with a receipt printer, cash drawer and barcode scanner.
Categories can be set up for similar items. All items carry a price, and tax status.
Ships Store POS Inventory Module
This add-on cloud-based option is designed to enhance the base inventory for larger marina stores. The add-on POS inventory module allows you to track inventory quantity levels and costs for more robust inventories. In addition to charging a tenant’s account this module captures credit card purchases through multiple payment options, including PayPal. The cloud-based POS module integrates with all NSS software programs.
Meter Readings and Dock Check
Meter reading starts with a Meter Reading List that shows the previous meter reading with a field for the new meter reading. Entering the new reading is a quick process – the calculation is made, and the transactions are saved. Full transaction detail is available for current and past months and prints in detail on the customer statement. The Meter Rate Fee Schedule is comprehensive, with alternate flat fees and minimums that can be built into the rate schedule. Dock Check lists all spaces and assigned boats at the marina. Easily reconcile discrepancies between actual slip occupants and assigned slip occupants. Both applications (Meter Reader and Dock Check) can be operated from the same cell phone or tablet device.
Handheld Support
The Marina Program integrates with any cell phone or tablet device so readings can be taken on the dock and downloaded wirelessly for automatic calculations. There are maximum warnings built-in that are set by the marina manager that will send an alert if that level is reached. This allows the operator to make adjustments, if the reading is incorrect, or keep the reading as entered. This remote application is programmable so that the dock walk is predetermined by the operator for easy access.
Dry Storage & Launch Scheduler
The Marina Program has many tools for your dry storage facility. Dry storage graphics can handle rack & stack, yard, trailers or dry stack for boats, jet-skis, and kayaks. The Dry Storage Launch Scheduler can be used to schedule a launch or recovery, schedule a haul out to dry stack, trailer, or work rack. Print a Launch or Recovery Schedule or print a launch or recovery log. In addition, you can print out individual launch requests.
TMP is one of few marina management programs that offer a Dockominium module that enables the management of slips owned by someone other than the marina. Ability to set spaces as type Lessor without changing the vacancy status of the space. Reporting capabilities to show rents received for all owners and the percentages the marina must give each owner or work rack. Print a Launch or Recovery Schedule or print a launch or recovery log.
QuickBooks Export
Based on The Marina Program’s complete billing functionality most marinas don’t require export to QuickBooks. However, in the case of owners of multiple marina properties that require financial totals to monitor the financials of each marina, an optional add-on module is available that allows The Marina Program to exports financial totals to QuickBooks via Intuit Interchange Format (.IIF) files.
Advanced Reservations
This module is part of the NSS Web Services applications. This allows current and potential tenants to check slip availability through The Marina Program’s harbor graphics. Tenants can send reservation information to your marina for confirmation of slip availability.
Maintenance Tracker
As an add-on module through NSS We Services you can also subscribe for this service. This module allows the tenant to stay in touch with your marina staff to report any maintenance issues and or problems that may occur. Once a problem is reported you will be able to track the problem and repair to conclusion. Maintain accurate records of the repair for parts and items required to complete the project.
Security Access Card Keys
The Marina Program seamlessly interfaces with card key access systems from Separate Systems, Inc. (SSI), and ALX Technology. You can assign, activate, deactivate, and delete keys from within the Marina Program. You can also run numerous access control reports all from within The Marina Program.
ACH Debit
The Marina Program exports an ACH file used by your bank to debit your customer accounts for the money owed to you. Batch amounts owed are sent to your bank with the payments being posted automatically to the individual tenant records in The Marina Program. This feature can be used with any bank that accepts ACH files. Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Region Bank, and others all have Marina Program customers using this time saving, low-cost feature. Let’s add your bank to the list so you can start saving today. Check and see if your bank support the importing of an ACH file!
Credit Card Batch Processing
The Marina Program exports to Authorize.net for traditional credit card processing of monies owed for the period. Payments are automatically posted to the accounts, saving significant time on data entry. For marinas processing with Marina Payments, a special revenue saving processing platform, TMP exports to their processing center giving the marina the opportunity of saving credit card processing fees.
Online Customer Bill Pay Portal
This optional module gives you the option of processing through traditional credit card processing gateways, such as Authorize.net or PayPal, or you have the option of selecting Marina Payments.
Marina Payments is a payment processing platform that is a housing industry payment processing platform that has been successfully saving the property management industry thousands of dollars for years. This exclusive payment processing platform is now being offered to the marina industry through NSS’s TMP software. The Marina Payments option not only gives your tenant the opportunity of paying their bill online from anywhere in the world, similar to traditional credit card processing, but this exclusive payment platform now allows the marina to offset the cost of credit card payment processing fees, by passing these fees on to the tenant. Because Marina Payments is not classified as a merchant like traditional credit card processors, it is classified under the rental Merchant Category Code (MCC), so your marina is now allowed to pass this cost on in the form of a “convenience fee.” Tenant payment made via check and ACH are processed at no charge to the tenant. With Marina Payments you will also receive your money much faster, normally within two days. In many cases you receive money into your account the same day as opposed to the typical 1 to 5 days fund transfer time with traditional processors. For more information on Marina Payments please contact NSS for a no cost demonstration and see how much this can save you. For owners of multiple marina properties, the savings can be considerable.
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